Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The Good and Bad of Yo Yo Dieting

What is yo yo dieting?

The yo-yo dieting , also known as weight cycling, refers to a cyclical pattern of repetitious loss and gain of body weight. The only good thing about this form of dieting is that it helps in loosing weight in a short period of time. This is achieved by skipping meals, keeping fasts, consuming low calories diet and also starving. Using this method you can lose weight from 2 to 5 kilos per cycle. In extreme cases you can reduce up to 25 kgs.

The yo-yo diet cycle

- As a first step, people go on a crash diet. It leads to instant weight loss and increases the metabolic rate.
- In the second cycle, since people lose weight drastically, they give up dieting and return to the normal eating habits. Many of them also eat high calories foods that have initially helped them to lose the weight. This lowers the metabolic rate.
- In the final cycle, they instantly put on weight. Again, the crash diet is started which leads to weight loss immediately, but this cycle is set and it continues. Hence the entire diet process is referred as the yo yo dieting. You lose weight and then you gain weight, something like the yo yo which moves up and down.

Family Planning
Yo Yo Dieting Cycle

Disadvantages of Yo Yo Dieting

- Leads to weight gain - Loss of muscle mass
- Accumulation of stubborn fat
- Affects the body's fat storing system
- Causes hormonal changes in the body
- Causes mood swings and depression
- Constipation
- Developing heart problems due to increased intake of high protein diet as a part of the crash diet
- Change of energy suppliers. The main energy source for the body is carbohydrates. But with yo yo dieting, consumption of high protein diet makes the body to switch over to fat as the main source of energy as a result of which ketone bodies are produced in the body which loads the kidney and leads to bad breath.

According to experts, yo-yo dieting is not a healthy way to lose weight in the long run. It is possible to lose weight without altering the body's fat to muscle ratio. Some tips are as follows:
- Aim for realistic weight loss goals.
- Decrease calorie consumption at a slower pace.
- Do not skip breakfast.
- Change activity levels to sustain muscle mass while losing weight. 


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