Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Asthama TreatmentAsthma is a disease of the airways of the lungs which is characterized by increased sensitivity of the airways to a variety of triggers. It is generally an episodic disease, i.e., acute attacks followed by symptom free periods. Though most attacks are generally short lived, sometimes serious conditions occur in which severe Asthma is unrelieved for many hours or even days, like in status asthmaticus.

Who is affected? It occurs in all age groups, but is found to be more common in children. It tends to affect both sexes equally.

Types of Asthma: There are two types of Asthma--- Allergic and Idiosyncratic. Allergic Asthma: This type is often associated with personal or family history of other types of allergic diseases like hay fever, rhinitis, eczema etc.

The offending agents causing Asthma:

  1. Environment and air pollution.
  2. Certain drugs like Aspirin.
  3. Occupational factors like working with animal skins, chemicals, stone dust etc.
  4. Infections of the chest or Upper respiratory Tract can bring about an acute attack of Asthma.
  5. Exercise and emotional stress.
Clinical Features: The most characteristic features of Asthma are--- breathlessness, cough and wheezing. The attack often occurs at night but may also occur abruptly due to one of the precipitating factors mentioned above.

The patient often experiences a tight sensation in the chest along with dry cough. Sometimes a long standing dry cough maybe the only indication of Asthma.

When is Asthma really bad?
1. If the wheezing was audible periodically suddenly stops and the patient is still feeling severely out of breath.

2. If the muscles of the neck and those above the collar bone stand out in effort with every act of respiration.

3. If the attack is continuing unabated for several hours or even days with no symptom free periods in between.

What to do:
1. Most of the known cases of Asthma keep 'inhalers' with them, these are devices which ensure direct delivery of the drugs to the lungs and thereby bringing about a rapid relief.

2. Avoiding known triggers which bring about an attack helps, like avoiding strenuous exercises, going out in the cold, etc.


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